Dutch co-production Berlin Alexanderplatz selected for Berlinale main competition
The International Film Festival Berlin announced the line-up of the main competition and selected Berlin Alexanderplatz from Burhan Qurbani. In Berlin Alexanderplatz, produced by the German Sommerhaus in co-production with Lemming Film, the Dutch actor Nils Verkooijen plays an important role. The 22-year-old actor has been playing in film and TV productions for more than 10 years now. The main roles are for Welket Bungué (Joaquim), Jella Haase, Martin Wuttke (Inglorious Basterds) and Albrecht Schuch (System Crasher). The film will appear in Dutch cinemas in 2020. The 70th edition of the Berlinale takes place from February 20 to March 1, 2020.